Faculty of

Engineering &

Computer Science


Message From the Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science

I welcome you to the finest Higher Education Institute of Pakistan. MiTE is a place for those in search of a futuristically charged environment. Right ahead of us are BIG challenges and at MiTE we are planning BIGGER, we understand that the answer to the crisis in the country and abroad is entrepreneurship, but we have sharpened the saw by creating focused entrepreneurial opportunities for students in the thriving field of technology.

With the goal to deliver the best in Higher Education, we are enthusiastic to have the young beneficiaries walk into our doors and learn exclusively from programs driven by the spirit of individualism and creativity.

Prof. Dr. Kamran Ahsan

Message From the Head of Department, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science. MiTE is a place where we are dedicated to nurturing tomorrow’s innovators in an ever-evolving world.

Our focus is in providing a dynamic and enriching educational experience, fostering a creative learning environment, and facilitating the successful attainment of academic goals. By focusing on entrepreneurship and technology, we reflect our commitment to preparing you for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. Through our robust network of industrial collaborations and internship opportunities, you will have the chance to gain practical exposure and hands-on experience in your chosen field. Our highly qualified faculty members are here to support and guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the best education possible.

Welcome to a journey of growth, discovery, and excellence.

Dr. Muhammad Azhar Hussain

Dr. Waheeduddin Hyder

Associate Professor
Department Of Computer Science

Dr. Anwar Ahmed Khan

Associate Professor
Department Of Computer Science

Mr. Waqas Ahmed Siddique

Department Of Computer Science

Mr. Sajid Ali

Department Of Computer Science

Ms. Kulsoom Farhan

Department Of Computer Science

Ms. Khamsa Hassan

Lab Instructor
Department Of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Caroline Chibelushi

Honorary Foreign Faculty

Dr. Waheeduddin Hyder

Associate Professor
department of Computer Science

Dr. Anwar Ahmed Khan

Associate Professor
Department Of Computer Science

Mr. Waqas Ahmed Siddique

Department Of Computer Science

Mr. Sajid Ali

Department Of Computer Science

Ms. Kulsoom Farhan

Department Of Computer Science

Ms. Khamsa Hassan

Lab Instructor
Department Of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Caroline Chibelushi

Honorary Foreign Faculty

Departmental reach and Engagement

BS Computer Science Program

Program accredited by the National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC).

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS-CS) is a rigorous four-years academic program designed to provide students with a deep understanding of the foundational principles and theories of computer science. This program is designed to prepare graduates for a broad range of careers in the technology field, emphasizing problem-solving, computational thinking, and innovative research. The program aims to equip graduates with the skills necessary to design ICT solutions and excel as technology entrepreneurs. Our goal is to empower graduates with the confidence and capabilities to conceptualize and design cutting-edge ICT solutions, paving the way for them to thrive as technology entrepreneurs in a competitive market environment.


To be in the frontier of Computer Science and to produce globally competent graduates with moral values committed to building a vibrant nation. To become a leading computer science program that advances the economic strength of our country. Our graduates will be able to come up with novel solutions for the industry and contribute to local and global technological development.    

  • Strengthen the core competence in Computer Science through analytical learning using modern tools.
  • To produce successful graduates with professional competency and having lifelong learning capabilities to develop the nation and contribute to economy.
  • Communicate effectively in the collaborative working environment for innovative research in Computer Science to serve the needs of Industry, Government and Society, nationally and internationally.

  1. Graduate should be able to apply technical knowledge and skills using analytical approach to solve the complex computational problems in their professional career.
  2. Graduate should be able to handle tasks individually or as a member and/or a leader in a team with professional ethics and effective communication skills using the latest tools and techniques in multidisciplinary environments.
  3. Graduate should be able to exhibit computing and ethical professional behavior and lifelong learning abilities in individual capacity and as a team member/leader.


Plan Of Study
CategoryHEC / NCEAC
Credit hoursPercentage
General Education Requirement3023%
Elective Supporting Courses0302%
Mathematics & Supporting Courses1209%
Computing – Core CCC4635%
Common Courses9170%
Domain (Computer Science) Core CSC1814%
Domain (Computer Science) Electives CSE2116%
Domain Courses3930%
Semester-wise Course Break-up Plan

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS105Application of Information & Communication Technologies2+1
2CS102Programming Fundamentals3+1
3NS102Natural Sciences (Applied Physics)2+1
4HU103Functional English3+0
5HU105Islamic Studies2+0
6MT001Elementry Calculus (Only fro Pre-Medical students)0
Credit Hours12+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS103Object Oriented ProgrammingProgramming Fundamentals3+1
2CS107Digital Logic Design2+1
3CS106Database Systems3+1
4HU104Expository WritingECC /
Functional English
5UE4xxSocial Sciences (Example: Introduction to Management)2+0
6MT002Elementry Algebra (Only fro Pre-Medical students)0
Credit Hours13+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS205Information Security2+1
2CS201Data StructureObject-Oriented Programming3+1
3CS208Artificial IntelligenceObject-Oriented Programming2+1
4CS203Software Engineering3+0
5MT201Quantitative Reasoning-1 (Calculus & Analytic Geometry)3+0
Credit Hours13+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS206Comp. Organization & Assembly LanguageDLD2+1
2CS204Computer Networks2+1
3CS207Theory of Automata3+0
4CS209Advance Database Management SystemsDatabase Systems2+1
5CS202Quantitative Reasoning-2 (Discrete Structures)3+0
6MT202Linear AlgebraCalculus & Analytic Geometry3+0
Credit Hours15+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS305HCI & Computer Graphics2+1
2CS304Computer ArchitectureCOAL2+1
3MT301Probability & Statistics3+0
4CS301Operating SystemsData Structures2+1
5MT302Multivariate CalculusCalculus & Analytic Geometry3+0
6CE4XXCS – Elective -12+1
Credit Hours14+4

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS302Compiler ConstructionTheory of Automata2+1
2CS303Parallel & Distributed ComputingOperating Systems2+1
3CE4XXCS – Elective -22+1
4CE4XXCS – Elective -32+1
5CE4XXCS – Elective -42+1
6CE4XXCS – Elective -5
Credit Hours12+6

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS403Analysis of AlgorithmsData Structures3+0
2CE4XXCS – Elective -62+1
3CS401Final Year Project – I0+2
4UE4XXElective Supporting3+0
6HU403Technical & Business WritingECC /
Functional English
Credit Hours13+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1HU401Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan2+0
2HU402Arts & Humanities (Professional Practices)2+0
3CS402Final Year Project – II FYP-I0+4
4HU405Civics and Community Engagement2+0
5CE4XXCS – Elective -72+0
Credit Hours8+5


Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours




Computer Vision




Cyber Security




Data Encryption and Security




Enterprise Systems




Formal Methods




Information Technology Project Management




IT Infrastructure




Operations Research




Software Testing & Quality Assurance




Web Technologies








Management Information System




Mobile Application Development-1




Web Engineering




Advanced Programming (Old Name: Visual Programming)




Cloud Computing



BS - CS Course Content

Fee Structure

Admission & Registration Fee (One Time)Rs. 30,000.00
Refundable Security Fee (One Time)Rs. 20,000.00
Entrance Test fee (One Time)Rs. 1,500.00
First Semester Tuition FeeRs. 172,500.00
Tuition Fee per Credit hrsRs. 11,500.00
Total Credit Hours130
First Semester Tution Fee (After 40% Scholarship)Rs. 103,500.00

Programmes Overview

Program accredited by the National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC).

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS-CS) is offered by the Department of Computer Science at MiTE. These programs are four-year degree program with two regular semesters per year i.e. Spring and Fall. A summer semester is offered to students who wish to improve their grades.

Eligibility Criteria

For BS-CS and BS-IT programs at MITE, at least 50% in Intermediate (HSC)/A-Level or equivalent are required. The candidate must have studied Mathematics at HSC level. The student is required to clear the MITE entrance test with a minimum of 50% marks. Students who have cleared NTS (NAT/GAT) or SAT exam are exempted from the MITE Entrance Test requirement subject to the validity of their NTS (NAT/GAT) or SAT scores with proofs of original test receipts that have to be submitted along with the application. Applicants with O-Level / A-Level must submit equivalence from IBCC. Failures are not eligible to apply for admission. Students having less than 50% marks in HSC/A-Level will be allowed for admission on a conditional basis subject to that they will appear for improvement exam and their admission will be confirmed after securing 50% and above marks. Applicants submitting their NEDUET, NTS NAT (IE/ICS) or SAT II test scores obtained within the last one year shall be exempted from taking MITE’s entrance test.

Regular and Maximum Course Load Per Semester

A regular student is expected to take a course load of 15 to 18 credit hours. In case any student wishes to enroll for one more course beyond 18 Credit Hours she/he may be allowed in either of the two cases

  • If his/her CGPA is above 3.5 and
  • The student needs the course to graduate on time

Qualifying CGPA

A student qualifies for the BS-CS and BS-IT degree if he/she has completed all requirements of the degree program with a CGPA of 2.00 and above.


The internship is scheduled for summer at the end of the third year. At the end of the six-week Internship, all students are required to submit a comprehensive report, giving details of their experience and learning. An internship can be scheduled earlier if MiTE decides.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

The BS in Computer Science is a 4-year program, divided into 8 semesters, each of 17 weeks duration including midterm and final examinations. There would be two semesters each year: the spring semester and the fall semester.

The courses can be divided into groups

Computer Science Core Courses, Computer Science Supporting Courses, Computer Science Electives, General Education, Math & Science Foundation, and University Electives. The courses for General Education and University Electives would be available via other departments at the university.

The department will assign an advisor to each student on admission. The advisor and the student together will develop a flexible comprehensive plan of study that will be implemented in each semester. The advising file will be updated each semester and will include copies of transcripts and GPA earned.

Other than non-elective courses, the student is given the choice to take 5 CS elective courses, and 4 university or cross-faculty electives. The total number of credit hours is 130.

Semester-wise Course Break-up Plan

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS105Application of Information & Communication Technologies2+1
2CS102Programming Fundamentals3+1
3NS102Natural Sciences (Applied Physics)2+1
4HU103Functional English3+0
5HU105Islamic Studies2+0
6MT001Elementry Calculus (Only fro Pre-Medical students)0
Credit Hours12+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS103Object Oriented ProgrammingProgramming Fundamentals3+1
2CS107Digital Logic Design2+1
3CS106Database Systems3+1
4HU104Expository WritingECC /
Functional English
5UE4xxSocial Sciences (Example: Introduction to Management)2+0
6MT002Elementry Algebra (Only fro Pre-Medical students)0
Credit Hours13+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS205Information Security2+1
2CS201Data StructureObject-Oriented Programming3+1
3CS208Artificial IntelligenceObject-Oriented Programming2+1
4CS203Software Engineering3+0
5MT201Quantitative Reasoning-1 (Calculus & Analytic Geometry)3+0
Credit Hours13+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS206Comp. Organization & Assembly LanguageDLD2+1
2CS204Computer Networks2+1
3CS207Theory of Automata3+0
4CS209Advance Database Management SystemsDatabase Systems2+1
5CS202Quantitative Reasoning-2 (Discrete Structures)3+0
6MT202Linear AlgebraCalculus & Analytic Geometry3+0
Credit Hours15+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS305HCI & Computer Graphics2+1
2CS304Computer ArchitectureCOAL2+1
3MT301Probability & Statistics3+0
4CS301Operating SystemsData Structures2+1
5MT302Multivariate CalculusCalculus & Analytic Geometry3+0
6CE4XXCS – Elective -12+1
Credit Hours14+4

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS302Compiler ConstructionTheory of Automata2+1
2CS303Parallel & Distributed ComputingOperating Systems2+1
3CE4XXCS – Elective -22+1
4CE4XXCS – Elective -32+1
5CE4XXCS – Elective -42+1
6CE4XXCS – Elective -5
Credit Hours12+6

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS403Analysis of AlgorithmsData Structures3+0
2CE4XXCS – Elective -62+1
3CS401Final Year Project – I0+2
4UE4XXElective Supporting3+0
6HU403Technical & Business WritingECC /
Functional English
Credit Hours13+3

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1HU401Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan2+0
2HU402Arts & Humanities (Professional Practices)2+0
3CS402Final Year Project – II FYP-I0+4
4HU405Civics and Community Engagement2+0
5CE4XXCS – Elective -72+0
Credit Hours8+5

BS - CS Course Content

Computer Science Elective Courses
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Encryption and Security
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Enterprise Systems
  • Formal Methods
  • Information Technology Project Management
  • IT Infrastructure
  • Operations Research
  • Software Requirements Engineering
  • Web Technologies

Bachelor in Information Technology

Note: This programme will be launched soon.

The BS in Information Technology is a 4-year program, divided into 8 semesters, each of 17 weeks duration including midterm and final examinations. There would be two semesters each year: the spring semester and the fall semester.

The courses can be divided into groups: Information Technology Core Courses, Information Technology Supporting Areas, Information Technology Electives, General Education, Math & Science Foundation, and University Electives. The courses for General Education and University Electives would be available via other departments at the university.

The department will assign an advisor to each student on admission. The advisor and the student together will develop a flexible comprehensive plan of study that will be implemented each semester. The advising file will be updated each semester and will include copies of transcripts and GPA earned.

Other than non-elective courses, the student is given the choice to take 5 IT elective courses, and 4 university or cross-faculty electives. The total number of credits is 130.

Semester-wise Course Break-up Plan

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS101Introduction to ICT3+0
2CS102Programming Fundamentals3+1
3HU101English Composition & Comprehension3+0
4MT101Calculus & Analytical Geometry3+0
5NS101Applied Physics3+0
Credit Hours15+1

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS103Object Oriented ProgrammingProgramming Fundamentals3+1
2HU102Communication & Presentation SkillsEnglish Composition & Comprehension3+1
3IT3xxIT Supporting Course-13+0
4MT102Probability & Statistics3+0
5UE4xxUniversity Elective-13+0
6UE4xxUniversity Elective-2
Credit Hours18+1

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS201Data Structures & AlgorithmsObject-Oriented Programming3+1
2CS202Discrete Structures3+0
3HU201Professional Practices3+0
4IT3xxIT Supporting Course-23+0
5MT201Linear Algebra3+0
Credit Hours15+1

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS301Operating SystemsData Structures & Algorithms3+1
2CS403Information Security 3+0
3CS303Computer Networks3+1
4IT201IT Project Management3+0
5UE4xxUniversity Elective-33+0
Credit Hours15+2

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1CS203Database SystemData Structures & Algorithms3+1
2CS302Software Engineering3+0
3IT3xxIT Supporting Course-33+0
4IT308System and Network AdministrationOperating Systems3+1
5UE4xxUniversity Elective-43+0
Credit Hours15+2

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1IT307Web Technologies3+0
2IE4xxIT Elective-13+0
3IT4xxIT Elective-23+0
4IT306IT Infrastructure3+0
5IT302Technical & Business Writing3+0
Credit Hours15+0

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1IT404Virtual Systems and Services3+1
2IE401Final Year Project – I0+3
3IT4xxIT Elective-33+0
4IT4xxIT Elective-43+0
5HU401Pakistan Studies2+0
Credit Hours11+4

S. NoCodeCourse TitlePre-requisiteCredit Hours
1IT402Final Year Project – IIFYP-10+3
2IE403Cyber Security3+0
3IT4xxIT Elective-53+0
4IT405Database Administration and Management3+1
5HU402Islamic Studies / Ethics2+0
Credit Hours11+4

Information Technology Elective Course
  • Numerical Computing
  • Theory of Automata
  • Parallel & Distr. Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Vision
  • Data Encryption and Security
  • Human-Computer Interaction
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Millennium Institute of Technology & Entrepreneurship (MiTE)

Consult MiTE Admission Counsellors today for Academic Advice and Scholarship Related Opportunities.